A week-long event that teaches teachers the history of the Holocaust, the urgent lessons the Holocaust imparts to humanity, and presents teachers with innovative methodologies for presenting these materials to their students. The 30-35 teachers who participate are provided with scholarships to enable them to afford to engage in the symposium. Each event is also open to the general public at no cost.
As part of my role as designer for my academic office, I was placed in charge of all visual materials and items for the 13th year of the Martin & Doris Summer Symposium. I was then in turn sole designer in creation of the official conference booklet, conference badges/identification for 60 individuals + general public, commercial and social publicity, signs, menus and other assorted materials.

Above and below. Advertisements I did for the symposium earlier this year. The top was for the Town of Boone Magazine as a half-page advert and below is its twin in similar form as a 11x17 horizontal poster displayed around my campus.

Certificate I designed to tie the conjunction between our academic office and the symposium
1 of 6 directional signs I made to direct the public into the Plemmons Student Union at Appalachian State University.
Public identification name-tag sticker for the Symposium.
Identification badge made for Staff, Guest Speakers, Students, & Scholarship Participants. I made roughly 60 individual badges for every person on our list. The one above is what I wear each day of the conference.
Backside of the identification badge showcasing to our participants a reminder of the evening highlights and their times and date.
Banquet Panel
Official Banquet Menu. Inside is a little bit of info about Jews and Cuisine, and the schedule for the banquet. On the back cover is the menu with a little bit of background on the dishes' history and significance in Jewish culture.
Official Symposium Conference Booklet. In the times before, this booklet only displayed bios on our guest speakers. This time I felt it would be more suitable to our participants to have something more educational to help them in their respective classrooms by providing an appendix of terminology of German & Jewish words/euphemisms, WWII terminology; and an additional appendix on maps discussing the locations of ghettos, concentration/"euthanasia centers" camps between 1939-1945, and a map of Eastern Europe after the German-Soviet Pact of 1939-1940.
In addition, a "Memoir" as placed within the inside cover to Martin Rosen who passed in March of this year in order to honor his memory for which this conference would not exist were it not for his efforts.
Booklet-fold brochure for the conference for the public to grab and see what the schedule will be like for the week of the symposium. The QR-code was created to help the public who have the QR-scan App to be able to see our website faster and easily browse what we are about as a academic office.