“The torch has passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century.” — President John F. Kennedy
The 1960s decade gave the world changes in science, civil rights, fashion, art, health, technology, and entertainment. The Museum of the Albemarle takes you back to the 1960s with its newest exhibit, “Reliving the 1960s.” Opening April 16, 2021, the exhibit focuses on how movements, wars, politics, and the environment all played a role in shaping this decade.
We give you a small glimpse into the 1960s and encourage you to begin a conversation! Learn more by talking with those who lived during that era, researching the topics discussed here, and looking around you to see what effects they have on your life today. Talk about equality, social changes, bold fashion statements, and the many genres of music, art, and literature that came from the bold, courageous, and outspoken forerunners of this decade.

Concept layout for exhibition panels (average visual eye center line is shown)